Trauma Therapy: What Is It and How Does It Work?

A woman asking, "How does trauma therapy work?"

In the evolving landscape of mental health treatments, trauma therapy has emerged as an essential modality for addressing the deep-rooted psychological wounds that can significantly impact an individual’s well-being. It is particularly important for centers like QuickSilver Counseling Center, which focuses on addiction treatment and rehabilitation, to understand how trauma therapy works. This understanding is crucial because trauma is often a foundational issue that underlies addiction behaviors. Quicksilver can help you learn what trauma therapy is and how trauma treatment works. We can also answer the question, “How does trauma therapy work?” in the context of addiction rehabilitation.

What Are Common Causes of Trauma?

Trauma has many causes and roots. These often intersect with addiction to create a dual diagnosis that must be treated in a holistic way:

  • Childhood abuse – Physical, emotional, or sexual abuse during formative years can lead to deeply ingrained trauma.
  • Military combat – Exposure to combat situations and life-threatening events can lead to post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).
  • Violent assaults – Attacks, whether physical or sexual, can result in significant psychological trauma.
  • Accidents and injuries – Car accidents, workplace incidents, or severe physical injuries can lead to trauma.
  • Natural disasters – Experiencing earthquakes, floods, fires, or other natural calamities can be traumatic.
  • Loss of a loved one – The sudden or unexpected death of a close family member or friend can trigger grief-related trauma.
  • Chronic stress – Living in a highly dysfunctional or volatile environment, such as in homes with domestic violence, can result in chronic stress-related trauma.

At Quicksilver Counseling Center, we do our best to help our clients locate the sources of this trauma as part of trauma therapy.

What Is Trauma Therapy?

Trauma therapy is a specialized form of psychological treatment. In fact, it aims to address the emotional and mental health issues stemming from a traumatic event or a series of traumatic events. This can range from experiences such as childhood abuse, military combat, or even the chronic stress of enduring a highly dysfunctional home environment.

Traditional forms of therapy may not suffice for trauma survivors. Why? Because the symptoms and complications can be multifaceted and deeply ingrained. Trauma therapy employs a combination of techniques designed to help individuals process their traumatic experiences and develop coping mechanisms to manage their symptoms.

How Does Trauma Therapy Work?

To understand the question, “How does trauma therapy work?” it’s essential to grasp that trauma impacts the brain’s stress response mechanisms, which can subsequently influence behavior, thoughts, and emotions. Trauma therapy focuses on helping the individual recognize their triggers and disruptive thought patterns, aiming to replace them with healthier coping mechanisms.

One widely used trauma treatment methodology is cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT). This approach involves helping the individual recognize negative thought patterns and behaviors that arise from their traumatic experiences and teaches them how to replace these with more adaptive ways of thinking and behaving.

Another approach is eye movement desensitization and reprocessing (EMDR). During this therapy, the therapist helps the individual process the traumatic event by guiding their eye movements. This is believed to help the brain reprocess the traumatic memories, thereby reducing the distress associated with them.

How Trauma Treatment Works in the Context of Addiction Rehabilitation

In a specialized environment like QuickSilver Counseling Center, understanding how trauma treatment works is essential for effective addiction rehabilitation. Studies have shown that individuals with unresolved trauma are more susceptible to substance use as a form of self-medication to numb the pain or anxiety. This creates a vicious cycle where substance use worsens the symptoms of trauma, requiring a specialized treatment approach.

In the context of addiction treatment, trauma therapy usually works alongside other forms of therapy and medication-assisted treatment. This integrated approach is designed to treat both the addiction and the underlying trauma concurrently. This is often termed a “dual-diagnosis” approach, which treats both conditions simultaneously, thereby increasing the chances of a full recovery.

The Importance of Personalized Treatment

Not all trauma is the same. Therefore, understanding how trauma therapy works involves acknowledging that the treatment needs to be tailored to the individual’s specific needs. At QuickSilver Counseling Center, the initial assessment involves a thorough evaluation to understand the type and extent of trauma, as well as any co-occurring disorders like addiction. Therefore, a personalized treatment plan employs a combination of therapies best suited to the individual’s needs.

Call Today to Learn How Trauma Therapy Works at Quicksilver Counseling Center

Trauma can profoundly affect one’s mental health and behavior, often serving as a root cause for various issues, including addiction. Therefore, understanding how trauma therapy works is crucial for any mental health and rehabilitation facility. At QuickSilver Counseling Center, we focus on a dual-diagnosis approach that treats both the addiction and the underlying trauma. By utilizing a blend of therapies tailored to individual needs and understanding how trauma therapy works, we aim to break the cycle of trauma and addiction, thereby facilitating a path toward long-term recovery. Contact us today at 888.477.8941 to learn more.