
People participating in group therapy in an intensive outpatient programIntensive outpatient programs (IOPs) offer people affected by addiction the opportunity to find hope for their lives in recovery. At outpatient treatment centers like QuickSilver Counseling Center, IOPs provide an involved, stable level of care while still allowing clients to return home to their families at night.

QuickSilver’s IOP is the most involved level of care we offer our clients. Our medical and mental health experts provide the building blocks for a healthy future in recovery while helping our clients address the root causes of addiction. Clients in our IOP engage in group, individual, and family therapy to change their addictive behaviors and build support systems for the road ahead. Learn more about our rehab treatment programs in New Jersey by calling 888.477.8941.

What Is an Intensive Outpatient Program?

An IOP is a type of addiction treatment program that provides a structured, intensive level of care for individuals struggling with substance use disorder or addiction. Unlike inpatient programs, IOPs allow clients to live at home while receiving treatment during the day. This can be beneficial for those who need more support than traditional outpatient therapy but do not require 24-hour supervision.

IOPs typically consist of group therapy sessions, individual counseling, and family therapy. These programs also offer other services such as medication management, relapse prevention, and holistic therapies like yoga or meditation. The goal of an IOP is to provide clients with the tools and support they need to overcome addiction and maintain long-term recovery.

The QuickSilver Intensive Outpatient Program in New Jersey

QuickSilver Counseling Center offers multiple levels of outpatient care, with our IOP being the most involved. Individuals living with drug, alcohol, or process addictions can find help at our center. Some people may be more suited for our IOP, including those who:
  • Have completed a residential rehab program
  • Need an enhanced level of care to continue their recovery journey
  • Can’t take off work or school for residential treatment
  • Live in a stable home environment
Like many intensive outpatient programs, ours allows clients to attend therapy and return to their daily lives. Participants can maintain their job and other responsibilities while still receiving treatment multiple days per week.

Intensive Outpatient Treatment Program Benefits

Our intensive outpatient program offers numerous benefits tailored to meet the needs of our clients.

  • Personalized care plan – At QuickSilver, we understand that each person’s journey through addiction is unique. That’s why we customize therapy plans to address the root causes of addictive behaviors while building strong coping skills for life in recovery.
  • Community support – Group therapy is a key component of our IOP, providing a strong support system and a sense of perspective for individuals in recovery.
  • Family involvement – Family therapy sessions help develop improved communication and trust among family members, rebuilding relationships affected by addiction.

These benefits address the needs of our clients, providing reassurance and support for addiction and co-occurring mental health issues.

Life in Recovery Starts Here

Getting started in our New Jersey intensive outpatient program can help you or a loved one overcome addiction and inspire change for the future. Call 888.477.8941 today to learn more about QuickSilver Counseling Center’s addiction treatment and how our outpatient programs

Personalized Therapy Plans

Clients in our intensive outpatient program receive personalized individual therapy plans to help them uncover the root causes of their addictive behaviors while building strong coping skills for life in recovery. We utilize evidence-based therapy plans that have demonstrated real results in the lives of people living with addiction.

Our therapies include:

Cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT)

CBT allows clients to recognize their negative addictive behaviors and develop healthy coping skills rather than giving in to cravings.

Dialectical behavior therapy (DBT)

DBT is a variation of CBT that promotes the processing of intense emotions and managing interpersonal relationships.

Family therapy

Clients in family therapy develop improved communication and trust with their family members.

Group therapy

Group therapy facilitates a strong support system and a sense of perspective for individuals in recovery.

Meditative therapy

Individuals in meditative practices like yoga and mindfulness can find emotional and physical balance.

treatment (MAT)

MAT, when needed, can reduce cravings and withdrawal symptoms.

Rational emotive behavior therapy (REBT)

REBT helps clients identify and change irrational thought patterns that can lead to addiction.

Each client will receive a personalized treatment plan, including a mix of therapies our experts identify as promising for recovery. This plan is developed during an initial interview, during which individuals discuss their personal, medical, substance use, and family histories with treatment professionals.

What to Expect

Our IOP is a flexible program designed to accommodate clients from all walks of life. Here’s what you can expect:

  • Program duration – While the duration of the program varies based on individual needs, clients typically engage in treatment for several hours most days during the week.
  • Living arrangements – Clients have the option to live in sober living accommodations during treatment while still maintaining their jobs and other responsibilities.
  • Aftercare – After completing the program, clients continue to receive support through follow-up sessions and access to resources to ensure lasting recovery.
  • Co-occurring mental health support – We provide specialized care for individuals living with co-occurring mental health conditions, such as depression or anxiety, that may contribute to addiction.

The comprehensive approach we take at QuickSilver Counseling Center gives our clients the tools they need to achieve long-term recovery and build a fulfilling, sober life. Our experienced professionals are dedicated to helping individuals overcome addiction and find hope for their futures.

Sober Living Accommodations

In addition to our intensive outpatient program, QuickSilver Counseling Center offers access to sober living accommodations for clients who may need a supportive and structured living environment during their recovery journey.

The sober living campuses provide a safe, alcohol and drug-free community where residents can continue to focus on their sobriety while transitioning back into daily life. Residents have access to support from peers and staff members, as well as resources for employment, education, and other important aspects of life in recovery.

Clients can also continue to attend therapy sessions and receive support from our team while adjusting to daily responsibilities outside of treatment. This transitional period can be crucial in strengthening newly acquired coping skills and maintaining sobriety in the long run.

The Goals of IOP Treatment

The goal of any addiction treatment program is to promote lasting recovery through emotional, psychological, and physical healing. At QuickSilver Counseling Center, we specifically want to help our clients in three ways.

Provide Flexible Treatment

Not everyone has the time or resources to attend residential addiction treatment. We want to provide a flexible level of care that allows people from all walks of life the opportunity to take part in their recovery process.

Facilitate Education About Addiction

We also want to spread knowledge and understanding about the nature of addiction. By helping clients and their families learn about the causes of addiction, they can work together to break the cycle and move towards a healthier future.

Instill Lasting Hope for Recovery

Finally, we want our clients to find hope for their future. We provide a safe space where individuals can explore the feelings they need to heal and develop the skills needed for a successful life in recovery.

Getting started in our New Jersey intensive outpatient program can help you or a loved one overcome addiction and inspire change for the future.

FIGHTING ADDICTION WITH OUR IN NJ Intensive Outpatient ProgramNew Jersey confronts a mounting concern with increasing rates of substance abuse and overdose fatalities. In just the first eight months of 2023, there were more than 1,790 suspected drug-related deaths in New Jersey.1 Illicit fentanyl overdoses are among the most common, given the extreme potency and availability of the drug. DRUG ABUSEMore than 31,600 people who entered NJ addiction treatment in 2021 cited their primary problem as alcohol.2 Drinking is easily the most common form of substance abuse in the state. ALCOHOL ABUSENearly 15% of New Jersey residents have a gambling problem, and about 6.3% have a diagnosable gambling disorder.3 Process addictions like gambling can be destructive as well. PROCESS ADDICTIONAt QuickSilver's intensive outpatient program in NJ, we know that our personalized plans can help residents of the state overcome addiction. Each client receives a personalized therapy plan tailored to address their unique needs. Our ultimate goal is to foster lasting hope for a future free from addiction. We provide a structured space where individuals can explore their feelings, heal, and develop the skills needed for a successful life in recovery. THE POWER OF PERSONALIZED TREATMENTCall Us Now at 888.477.89412. National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) – Depression3. Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) – Co-Occurring Disorders and OtherHealth Conditions

Why Choose QuickSilver Counseling Center?

At QuickSilver, we understand that addiction is a complex and personal issue. That’s why we offer personalized treatment plans, experienced professionals, and a variety of therapies to address the unique needs of each individual. Our goal is to provide hope for those struggling with addiction and support them in their journey toward lasting recovery.

Other programs we provide include:

  • Men’s rehab – Our program specifically for men creates a safe space to address addiction and mental health issues unique to them. Identity issues, trauma, and substance use disorder are just some of the topics we cover.
  • Women’s rehab – In this program, women can focus on their recovery journey while addressing specific challenges they may face. Our compassionate team offers support for issues like shame, self-esteem, and relationships.
  • Co-occurring treatment – Clients with co-occurring conditions, like depression or anxiety, can receive specialized care at QuickSilver to improve their mental health and overcome addiction.

We are dedicated to helping individuals not only overcome addiction but also build a fulfilling and sober life. Our intensive outpatient program is the source of many comprehensive treatment options we offer at QuickSilver Counseling Center, and we are here to support you every step of the way.

Start the New Jersey IOP at QuickSilver Counseling Center

Our IOP provides individuals living with addiction the chance to find hope for their lives in recovery. We use evidence-based therapies and personalized treatment plans to help our clients address the root causes of their behaviors while building support systems for lasting sobriety. To learn more about our New Jersey rehab program, please call 888.477.8941 or contact us online today.